Monday, January 11, 2010

The call of the pillow

It started today at 9am.  That's bad.  How can I be this tired?  Sometimes I think I must be sick even though I have no symptoms.  Or, am I just not listening to or taking care of my body these days?

I am getting 6ish hours of mostly uninterrupted sleep.  That's not too shabby.  But, other than the first couple hours of deep, comatose, can't-wake-me-to-save-me sleep, I toss and turn restlessly the rest of the night.

Then, all day, I just feel exhausted. I think it's just normal mom stuff.  But then, if I think too much about...

* bad back ache last night, again tonight (holding kids does that)
* feet sore and achy (working Sundays does that)
* woke up with headache, 2 advil helped (headaches have plagued me since puberty)
* nearly fell asleep in the shower this morning (yay,I got shower)
* nodding off after dinner tonight (it was yummy, could have been food coma)

I start to wonder and go crazy.  Is something more wrong?  Just writing this help me stay sane!

I'm hearing it right now and am going to answer it with a yes.

1 comment:

  1. Meg, I think it's normal for a working mother of a toddler and an infant but that doesn't mean it's healthy. At least not for a long duration and not as an every day experience. Things will get easier as your girls get older but you gotta take care of yourself in the meantime too. Also, I don't know about the tossing and turning part . . . that could be a real problem. Is it stress? Is it being over tired? Not enough time for adequate exercise? Hormonal? A habit your body has taken on due to night time feedings? Too much caffeine? Depression? Your body is telling you something! I am praying for you and encouraging you to seek help in some way.
